Experts Edition: Managing Vision Plans in your Cold-Start

Managing managed care in your practice can be 🫠

This Cold Start Corner: Experts Edition features Dr. Nathan McClain of PracticePal, discussing Managing Vision Plans in your Cold Start.

Dr. McClain talks about how to guide your team and how PracticePal can make it a less painful process 🤓

Cold start or established practice - you've gotta check this one out!

Kristen Langley

Director of Practice Success

Kristen is a proud eyecare industry veteran with over 20 years of experience working as an optician, technician, practice manager, and sales representative. With a keen eye for growth opportunities and a deep appreciation for each practice's uniqueness, Kristen’s unwavering passion lies in empowering independent ECPs to achieve their dreams of success in the ever-evolving world of eyecare.

Experts Edition: Financial Planning for Your Cold Start


Buyer Beware: Conducting Due Diligence for your Practice Purchase